Dr. Xiangzhi Meng is an associate professor in Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology of Peking University. She obtained her Ph.D. degree in Cognitive Psychology from Peking Normal University at 2000. Her research interests are on developmental dyslexia

List of Publications

#Liao, Z., #Ao, X., #Sun, Y. L., *Zhang, M., & *Meng, X. (2024). Alpha sensory stimulation modulates theta phase and speech-print associative learnings. Npj Science of Learning, 9:51 (# Equal contributions)

Pan, D.,*Meng, X., Lee, J. R., NG, M., *McBride, C. (2024). The cognitive‑linguistic profiles and academic performances of Chinese children with dyslexia across cultures: Beijing, Hong Kong, and Taipei. Annals of Dyslexia, 21, January, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11881-024-00301-2

Meng, X., Zhao, L., Chen, X., Zhang, C., Cao, Y., & *Yang, X. (2024). Phonological processing and spatial attention contribute to mathematics performance in different ways: A 3-year longitudinal study. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 67, 320-329. Available online 9 February, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecresq.2024.01.010

Zhang, J., Li, H., Zhang, M., Wang, Z.K., Ao. X.Y., Jian, J., Wei., N., Liu, H.Y., Ding, G.S., & *Meng, X. (2023). Functional preference of the left inferior parietal lobule to second language reading, NeuroImage, 270:119989.

#Zhao, X. N., #Yang, X. J., & *Meng, X. (2023). What is the role of audiovisual associative learning in Chinese reading? Reading and Writing, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11145-022-10401-3 (# Equal contributions).

Liang, X. T., Li, G. Q., He, Y., Xu, C. Y., Meng, X., Lu, C. M., & Liu, L. (2022). Sex differences in the intrinsic reading neural networks of Chinese children, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 54, 101098

Catherine, C., Meng, X., Lee, J., & Pan, D. (2022). Reading and reading disorders in Chinese. In Snowling, Hulme, Nation, (eds.), The Science of Reading: A Handbook. Second Edition Wiley. 9.

Li, H., Marks, R. A., Liu, L., Zhang, J., Zhang, M., Zhong, H., FENG, X., *Meng, X., & *Ding, G. (2022) The selective contribution of the right cerebellar lobule VI to reading, Brain Structure and Functionhttps://doi.org/10.1007/s00429-021-02434-1.

#Gao, Y., #Meng, X., #Bai, Z., Liu, X., Zhang, M., Li, H., Ding, G., *Liu, L., & *Booth, J. (2021). Left and right arcuate fasciculi are uniquely related to word reading skills in Chinese-English bilingual children. Neurobiology of Language, https://doi.org/10.1162/nol_a_00051 (# Equal contributions).

Zhang, J., Liu, L. F., Li, H. H., Feng, X. X., Zhang, M. L., Liu, L., *Meng, X., & *Ding, G. S. (2021). Large-scale network topology reveals brain functional abnormality in Chinese dyslexic children. Neuropsychologia, 157, 107886

#Yang, X. J., #Zhang, J., Lu, Y. P., Ding, G. S., Zhang, M. L., *Meng, X., & *Song, Y. (2021). Failure of resting-state frontal-occipital connectivity in linking visual perception with reading fluency in Chinese children with developmental dyslexia. NeuroImage, 10 March 117911 (# Equal contributions).

Feng, X.X., Altarelli, I., Ding, G., Ramus, F., Shu, H., Monzalvo, K., Dehaene, S., *Meng, X., & *Dehaene-Lambertz, G. (2020). A universal reading network and its modulation by writing system and reading ability in French and Chinese children. eLife,2020; 9: e54591 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.54591

Li, H. H., Booth, J. R., Feng, X. X., Wei, N., Zhang, M. L., Zhang, J., Zhong, H. J., Lu, C. M., Liu, L., *Meng, X., & *Ding. G. S. (2020). Functional parcellation of the right cerebellar lobule VI in children with normal or impaired reading. Neuropsychologia, Available online 23 September https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2020.107630

Ang, C., Zhang, J., Chu, M. Y., Li, H.H., Tian, M.Y., Feng, X.X., Zhang, M.L., Liu, L., *Meng, X., & *Ding, G.S. (2020). Intrinsic cerebro-cerebellar functional connectivity reveals the function of cerebellum VI in reading-related Skills. Frontiers in Psychology, 11: 420. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00420.

Yang, X., & *Meng, X. (2020). Visual processing matters in Chinese reading acquisition and early mathematics. Frontiers in psychology-Educational Psychology.

Gao, Y., Zheng, L.F., Liu, X., Nichols, E.S., Zhang, M.L.,Shang, L.L.,Ding, G.S., *Meng, X.,& *Liu, L. (2019).First and Second Language Reading Difficulty among Chinese-English Bilingual Children: the Prevalence and Influences from Demographic Characteristics, Front. Psychol. in press.

Zheng, X. & *Meng, X. (2019).Protracted development on native tone interpretation: Evidence from Mandarin-speaking infants’ novel word learning, Front. Psychol. 10:1512.doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01512

Yang, X., Peng, P., & *Meng, X. (2019). Contributions of basic cognitive processing to Chinese reading: The mediation effect of basic language processing. Front. Psychol. 9:2670. Doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02670.

#Yang, X., #Peng, P., & *Meng, X. (2019). How do metalinguistic awareness, working memory, reasoning, and inhibition contribute to Chinese character reading of kindergarten children? Inf Child Dev. 2019; e2122. https://doi.org/10.1002/icd.2122. (# Equal contributions).

Li, H. H., Booth, J. R., Bélanger, N. N., Feng, X. X.,Tian, M. Y., Xie, W. Y., Zhang, M. L., Gao, Y., Ang, C., Yang, X. J., Liu, L., *Meng, X., & *Ding, G. (2018). Structural correlates of literacy difficulties in the second language: evidence from Mandarin-speaking children learning English. NeuroImage, 179,288–297.

Zheng, X., *Meng, X., & *Ji, Y. (2018).Intentional inference during infants' observational word learning, Lingua, 207,38-48.

Zhang, M.L., Xie, W.Y., Xu, Y. Z.,& *Meng, X. (2018). Auditory temporal perceptual learning and transfer in Chinese-speaking children with developmental dyslexia. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 74, 146-159.

#Peng, P., #Yang, X. J., & *Meng, X. (2017). The relation between approximate number system and early arithmetic: the mediation effect of numerical knowledge. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology (IF: 2.602; SSCI, JCR Q2, developmental 19/70, experimental 27/84), 157, 111-124. (# equal contributions).

Feng, X. X., Li, L., Zhang, M. L., Yang, X. J., Tian, M. Y., Xie, W. Y., Lu, Y., Liu, L., *Meng, X., & *Ding, G. S. (2017). Dyslexic children show atypical cerebellar activation and cerebro-cerebellar functional connectivity in orthographic and phonological processing. Cerebellum (IF: 3.234; SCI, JCR Q2, 106/258), 16(2), 496-507. DOI 10.1007/s12311-016-0829-2.

Yang, X. & *Meng, X. (2016). Dissociation between exact and approximate addition in developmental dyslexia. Research in Developmental Disabilities, (IF: 1.630; SSCI, Special education 8/38, Rehabilitation 19/70), 56, 139-152.

Liu, L. F., Li, H. H., Zhang, M. l., Wang, Z. K., Wei, N., Liu, L., *Meng, X., & *Ding, G. S. (2016). Aberrant topologies and reconfiguration pattern of functional brain network in children with second language reading impairment. Developmental Science (IF: 4.604; JCR SSCI Q1, developmental psychology 4/70; experimental psychology 3/84), 19(4):657-672. DOI: 10.1111/desc.12440.

*Chen, L. H., Zhang, M. L., Ai, F., Xie, W. Y., & Meng, X. (2016). Cross-modal synesthetic congruency improves visual timing in dyslexic children. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 55, 14-26.

Meng, X, You, H. L., Song, M. X., Desroches, A. S., Wang, Z. K., Wei, N., Tian, M. Y., Gaab, N., & *Ding, G. S. (2016). Neural deficits in auditory phonological processing in Chinese children with English reading impairment. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition (IF: 3.01; JCR SSCI, linguistics Q1, 3/180; experimental Q1, 18/84), 19(2): 331-346. Available on CJO 2015 doi: 10.1017/S1366728915000073.

Chen, J., Tardif, T., Pulverman, R.,.....Meng, X. (2015). English- and Mandarin-learning infants' discrimination of actions and objects in dynamic events. Developmental Psychology, 51 (10), 1501-1515.

Meng, X., Lin, O., Wang, F., Jiang, Y., & Song, Y. (2014). Reading performance is enhanced by visual texture discrimination training in Chinese-speaking children with developmental dyslexia. PLOS ONE, Sept 23.

Wang, Z. K., Lai, A., Song, Y., Cutting, L., Jiang, Y. Z., Lin, O., *Meng, X.Z., & *Zhou, X. L. (2014). A perceptual learning deficit in developmental dyslexia revealed by visual textual discrimination task. Dyslexia (IF: 1.733, SSCI, JCR, Special education Q1, 9/39; Educational psychology Q2, 18/55), 20, 280-296.

Huang, Y. T., Zheng, X. B., Meng, X. Z., & Snedeker, J. (2013). Children’s assignment of grammatical roles in the online processing of Mandarin passive sentences. Journal of Memory and Language, 59, 4, 589-606.

Chan, C., Tardif, T., Chen, J., Pulverman, R.B., Zhu, L.Q., Meng, X. (2011). English- and Chinese-learning infants map novel labels to objects and actions differently. Developmental Psychology, 47(5), 1459-1471.

You, HL., Gaab, N., Wei, N., Cheng-Lai, A., Wang, ZK., Jian, J., Song, MX., Meng, X*., Ding, G.*. (2011). Neural deficits in second language reading: fMRI evidence from Chinese-speaking children with English reading impairment. NeuroImage (IF: 5.895; SCI, JCR Q1, neurosciences 27/244; Neuroimaging 1/14), 57, 760-770.

Meng, X., Cheng-Lai, A., Zeng, B., Stein, JF., Zhou, X.* (2011). Dynamic visual perception and reading development in Chinese school children. Annals of Dyslexia (IF: 1.478; SSCI, JCR Special education Q1, 9/37; Rehabilitation Q2, 19/67), 61, 161-176.

Chung, K., Liu, Tong,McBride-Chang, C., Meng, X. (2010). The processing of morphological structure information in Chinese coordinative compounds: An event-related potential study. Brain Research, 17, 157-166.

Meng, X., Jian, J., Shu, H., Tian, X., & Zhou, X.(2008). ERP correlates of the development of orthographical and phonological processing during Chinese sentence reading. Brain Research, 1219, 91-102.

Meng, X., Tian, X., Jian, J., Zhou, X. (2007). Orthographic and phonological processing in Chinese dyslexic children: An ERP study on sentence reading. Brain Research, 1179, 119-130

Meng, X.,Sai, X., Wang, C., Wang, J., Sha, S., & Zhou, X. (2005). Auditory and speech processing and reading development in Chinese school children: behavioral and ERP evidence. Dyslexia, 11: 292–310

Penney, T.B., Leung, K.M., Chan, P.C., Meng, X., & McBride-Chang, C.A. (2005). Poor readers of Chinese respond slower than good readers in phonological, rapid naming, and interval timing tasks. Annals of Dyslexia, 55: 9-27

Shu, H., Meng, X., Chen, X., Luan, H., & Cao, F. (2005). The subtypes of developmental dyslexia in Chinese: evidence from three cases. Dyslexia, 11: 311-329

Meng, X. & Zhou, X. (2004). Dyslexia in China. Dyslexia in China. In I. Smythe, J. Everatt and R. Salter (eds), International Book of Dyslexia. West Sussex, England: John Wiley &Sons Ltd.

Shu, H., Meng, X. & Lai, A. (2003). The lexical representation and processing of Chinese-speaking developmental dyslexia. In C. McBride-Chang and H.-C. Chen (eds), Reading Development in Chinese Children. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.